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Details zu I Said Goodbye


For fans of The Getup Kids, Motion City Soundtrack & Saves the Day. The LP started life as a solo album for singer Alan Hiom but, during the pre-production phase of the record shifts in mood and musicianship soon developed into the album you hear today and the band I Said Goodbye. The songs on this record are a mixed bag lyrically but the underlying key is honesty. The songs are written from experiences and feelings that are real, written from the heart so that through empathy and/or shared emotions they can be enjoyed by all. Take Me Home is about missing a loved one whilst on tour whereas Robertson Drive is about the passing of a family member. No two songs lyrically or melodically are identical on this record and that is one of the things that helps I Said Goodbye’s LP stand out in the current sea of sound-alikes and copy cats. “Putting this record out is an exciting adventure made even more thrilling by working with Little Rocket Records. A fresh new label that is supportive, provides insight and most of all has faith in new music and new bands.” Alan Hiom This is a very British sounding band, based in Norwich and featuring on drums Pete Wright of Ducking Punches. The album is a Limited Edition Cyan Blue, splatter, available from, https://isaidgoodbyelrr.bandcamp.com/

Heimatstadt: UK

Genre: Post Punk/PowerPop

Songs in der Playlist

Fairweather (2018)

Song erster Stream letzer Stream Anzahl
Better Luck Next Time 20.04.2018 08.01.2025 48
Money And The Crown 02.05.2018 04.11.2024 38
Smokehouse 22.04.2018 24.10.2024 37
Take Me Home 14.02.2018 26.12.2024 40
Tony Says No 01.05.2018 01.02.2025 49
Toucan 07.05.2018 07.12.2024 34