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Details zu Brew 36


BREW 36 Kreuzberg Punk Ale BREW36 blends members of Offenders & The Real Mckenzies to bring a uniquely crafted punk rock n' roll sound. Forget any other taste, Brew36 hits you hard at first sip! Smooth and rough taste, singalongs and melodic anthems...that's the brew for the street kids! With a name that pays homage to drinking in the streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin where the band first met, BREW 36 combines members of Offenders & The Real McKenzies to deliver a uniquely crafted punk rock ‘n' roll blend that hits hard right from the first taste. Forget any other recipe - strong melodies and robust sing-alongs make BREW 36 the street kids brew of choice. Familiar with each others’ reputations as rock ‘n’ roll road dogs, Valerio and Checco (Offenders) and Vlad (The Real Mckenzies), were eager to play together, and made quick work of turning talk into action when the idea was born to form a power trio that mixes 80s British Oi with 90s American punk. After months of sharing demos long-distance to nail down the band’s epic sound, BREW 36 reunited back in Kreuzberg to record their debut full length LP, “Our Brew” for Longbeach Europe. “Our Brew“ hits stores in November 2016 and the band will support it with extensive European tour dates booked by Muttis Booking.

Songs in der Playlist

Our Brew (2016)

Song erster Stream letzer Stream Anzahl
Alright 04.12.2016 13.06.2024 48
Give The Kids 28.11.2016 28.11.2024 38
Idiot's Factory 07.12.2016 08.11.2024 40
Pints Bride 04.12.2016 01.01.2025 72
Real Ale Night 30.11.2016 30.08.2024 52
Rebel Not A Looser 30.11.2016 22.06.2024 56
Shame 27.11.2016 07.05.2024 46
Spirit Still Alive 25.11.2016 14.10.2024 45
Take An End 21.10.2016 05.07.2024 47
Taste Sour 04.12.2016 29.09.2024 57
Troublemakers Crew 21.10.2016 01.01.2025 47
Waiting For The Nighttrain 06.12.2016 06.09.2024 50
Years Are Gone 27.11.2016 08.10.2023 41