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Details zu Sweatshop Boys


Sweatshop boys started around Winter 2011 When 4 friends that shared stages with all sorts of bands decided to play songs about love & friendship. The band soon started playing songs about depression & anxiety. After recording a 6 song demo in one long night, and playing a show the morning after Sweatshop boys took a small break and during 2011 - 2012 played many shows in Haifa, Tel-Aviv & Jerusalem. Since then Dean moved to Berlin, Itai & Nadav moved to Tel-Aviv and Krischer is the sole survivor in Haifa.

Heimatstadt: Haifa / Tel-Aviv / Berlin

Genre: Power Pop / Pop-Punk / Garage

Songs in der Playlist

Two Men (2018)

Song erster Stream letzer Stream Anzahl
A Boy Who Only Locks His Door 10.10.2018 13.05.2024 36
A Terminal 16.10.2018 21.03.2024 44
A Watched Pothead Never Boils 16.10.2018 19.10.2023 41
Brian 13.10.2018 08.03.2024 33
Distractions 24.10.2018 24.05.2024 34
Dr. Katz 10.10.2018 19.03.2024 38
Hard To Realize 13.10.2018 05.02.2024 39
The Cowboy Song 18.10.2018 05.03.2024 28
The Strongest Boys 10.10.2018 02.01.2024 32
Too Young 13.10.2018 01.05.2024 35
Unaware 10.10.2018 11.10.2023 29
Vertigo 27.10.2018 11.10.2023 31